Saturday, August 20, 2005

Off to KC

Hey there. I just wanted to let you know that I am taking my first vacation in six months of working! Yes! That reminds me, I had my six month review a couple weeks ago and it went pretty darn well. I even got a raise. Praise God!

Anyway, so I'm taking three days off (Monday through Wednesday) and heading down to Kansas City to visit my friend Brigitte and spend time at the International House of Prayer I'm hoping it will be refreshing and I'm really looking forward to getting away a little bit. :-) I won't be posting, e-mailing, etc. though, so be notified.

Lately I've been stuck in the part of acts where it talks about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:9-19) So think about that for a bit. Then it goes on in a little bit to talk about all the disciples (and not just the 12 apostles, we're talking all who were following Jesus) were walking in signs and wonders and that they were accompanying the gospel that they preached.

I want the fullness of God in my life, including the miraculous gifts. Is there something wrong when we're not walking in that? I find myself hungry for it. I want to understand what the baptism of the Holy Spirit is and why Peter had to go back to the people who had already accepted Christ and pray it over them. I want the gifts in operation again, even in my own life. I want to see the healings, the miracles. I want to see it because I think that it in itself is a testimony to the heart of God. There are some who say that the gifts have ceased, but I do not find this to be Biblical and I have been witness to them in operation on a small degree in my own life, so I disagree. Anyway, I am starting to feel like receiving this kind of power would be such a humbling experience. I believe it that either it could make one boast in their own vanity or, in a heart submitted to the Lordship of Christ, could produce greater humility, service, and the fasted lifestyle of being dead to oneself. I want to know what it means to lay down my life to the point where the Lord can use me to preach like Stephen (Acts 6-7), cast out demons, or place my hands on sick people and see them healed in any moment. I want that kind of intimacy with Christ and I want to know his voice apart from all others in the midst of miracles. I believe that a lifestyle like that is obedience. I realize it is nuts. I realize it could make me look like a fool, but is our treasure not on Earth, but in Heaven? Are we not called to live before and audience of one?

Oh, my heart is burning within me. Acts had this affect on me the last time I read it, too. Halleluiah!

Anyway, these are the kinds of things I hope to be praying through at IHOP and also just normal emotional/life type of stuff because that's real, too. Pray for me while I'm gone if you feel like it. Be back soon...

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