Monday, August 15, 2005

Can it be 4:45 already?

Wow, the end of another day that seemed to pass so quickly. The later you get up in the morning, the faster your day goes, I'm pretty sure. I guess that's good if you're wishing your days away, but I'm not... I usually feel like I'm trying to get caught up.

Last night I took my cousins fishing. They are 12 and 13, both boys, named Malcom and Eathan, respectively. Doug came and furnished many of the needed supplies. It was fun. I could sit and think of a gazillion things to say about 13ish-year old boys and their behavior, but I got a kick out of them! I especially got a kick out of Eathan's stories about spying on his 3 older brothers with their girlfriends while they were in high school. No, nothing X-rated, but still! What a 'stinker'! Malcom has a broken arm, so he had a hard time casting with his cast on, no pun intended this time. Apparently he still climbed rocks better than Eathan, though. (Hey, that's a big deal when you're 13! You can't be outclimbed by a cripple!) Anyway... the coolest thing was (Doug) catching a 27" northern pike that we had to throw back because they're catch and release at Yellowstone State Park. Bummer... We had to rip the pike's mouth apart a bit to get the hooks out. I felt really bad. Apparently that's normal and the fish recover quite well, but I still felt bad.

People in Sioux Falls, SD think northern pikes are snakes and refuse to keep them due to the fact that they don't want to take the extra time to clean them. I won't try to understand South Dakotans. (Comments, Chris? Hello? are you reading this? Is anyone out there, 'cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe.)

Oh, where's my guitar?

My allergies have finally begun. I was starting to wonder if I had been healed. Oh, and I found out that Ragweed has been observed in all lower 48, which means pretty much anywhere I go, I'm in trouble. (Chris, you were wrong... woah, maybe I should just be e-mailing Chris... anyway... there is ragweed in SD)


Verse of the week last week:

Isaiah 30:18

Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you,
And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you
For the LORD is a God of justice;
How blessed are all those who long for Him.

God spoke to me in this verse and I felt led to share it with someone, too. I think it's awesome. It's the longing part that gets me. Longing is a word that describes a certain level of passion. Imagine the heart of the Father longing to be gracious to you, etc. The fact that a being like that would long to love on humankind... pretty incredible. Then "how blessed are all those who long for him." Oh, what a beautiful savior! Discussion, anyone?


Anonymous said...

Wow...thanks for the verse share, Kelli. You think you know the Bible, and then someone drops this beautifully spelled out nugget of Truth in your lap and you just think "Wow. Thank you Lord God."

Recently I've lost sight (again) of pursuing a deeper love and longing for the Lord. I then recently saw mewithoutYou and I was reminded what it looks like to LONG for that uber close and deeply intimate relationship and to chase after an ongoing pursuit of that deeper relationship with God. I wasn't suddenly drawn back into it though...even though I didn't necessarily feel it burning inside, I knew I wanted it badly and am called to chase after it. So that's what I've been praying for and pursuing--the hungering and thirsting after righteousness. And you know what? As soon as I consciously shifted my focus towards falling in love with Christ and away from what I thought I needed to obtain to reach my goals, I've noticed God providing for me what I need to increase that longing and what I need to be content in my needs and struggles. He's been granting me gifts--nothing earned or planned--but everything in sufficiency and grace. And though I'm still pursuing to grasp a deeper hunger and thirst for righteousness, I am deeply moved by and convinced of His grace and I know that he promises that those who do hunger and thirst after Him will be filled. Pour me out, Jesus....and please, please, please continue to fill me up.

Thanks again, Kelli. And take me along fishing sometime! What fun!

Anonymous said...

Ragweed :(
Hope you feel better!
Dad is having problems with his aliergies too. It's weird...Dad, Keith, and you have alergies, and I have the bad eyesite. Which would you rather have... bad eyesite all the time or have allergies in the fall? I think I'd rather have alergies. Maybe?!?
Love you! Thanks for the bible verse!

Anonymous said...

Did you drive through MN without telling me? :*-(
I like having glasses to correct my eyesight. They also protect me from my clumsiness. Unfortunately I also have allergies, just a slight one to pet dander.

Kelli said...

Kari, did you forget I also have bad eyesight? You dork. :-p I guess my eyes aren't nearly as bad as yours... but soon you'll get that lasik eye surgery and be fine.

No Blake, I did not drive through MN. I was not fishing in SD, either. One of my good friends, Chris, lives in SD now and we talk about fishing from time to time. We had sort of discussed in passing camping at the bad lands sometime this summer with a group of people, but it never panned out. I was concerned about ragweed and Chris assured me that SD had none. disagrees. :-)

Kelli said...

Praise God that he used that mewithoutYou concert like that. And praise God that somebody likes that odd music. :-)

I was going to write something insightful or encouaraging, but I think I just want to say thanks for sharing, Mike. Sincerely. It is encouraging.

Anonymous said...

I think you should write a book entitled, "The Adventures of Kelli", or something like that. I enjoy reading your fishing stories, food preferences, dream reenactments,and especially your reflections. Oh, and you're right about 13 year old boys. I remember the competitiveness on your brother's baseball and basketball teams back in middle school. But as you know, it's just as bad with girls that age! Remember what I've said many times before, there's nobody meaner in the world than a 7th grade girl! What do YOU think? Love you, Mom

Kelli said...

Of course you think I should write a book, you're my mother. Mothers generally are partial to their children, but I guarantee that you're the only one who would read it. :-p

Lisa McPhail was meanest in 8th grade, but I like her now. She grew out of it.

Kelli said...

Glasses, however, do not make your clothes get tighter, your hair get greasier, or make you carry around a man-purse and wear your sisters vintage belt from 1984.

Anonymous said...

kelli if you wrote a book I'd read it if for no other reason than to be polite. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I realize it's been a while since the original post, but I thought I'd share my favorite nickname for northern pike as given by my fellow South Dakotans - "snot rockets." Go Ball Bearings!