Thursday, January 04, 2007

Yes, It's true.

Hello all,

I'm so sorry it has been so long since I have updated all of you lovely people. I wanted to write when Ben and I had our amazing 6th month anniversary date, etc. but life was so busy trying to complete my basic statistics class!! I was in class two nights a week and studying like mad every other night. Weekends are always busy, too but I think if I really wanted to, I guess I could have, eh? At any rate, occasions like this come along once in a lifetime, so I suppose I better post it. In case you haven't heard...


Yes, it's true. He proposed late at night on a walk out at my parents house while the moon was almost full and very high in the sky. It was very romantic and I didn't see it coming that night AT ALL!! It was just Monday, January 1st, a very special and sentimental day for us. I'm beaming all the time and I have the most beautiful ring ever (of course, I'm probably biased)! Check out these pics and ask me sometime why the ring is so special:

We're looking to get married in July and I'll let you know when we set the date!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. - Ephesians 1:3


The Goodfellas said...

you're right, it's gorgeous!
congrats again! you should post up a picture of the happy couple. :-)

Kelli said...

Yeah, I know... I kind of felt like a jerk for not putting up a picture of us and only a picture of the ring, but I didn't have a real recent picture of us on my computer at work. I'll try to get one up this weekend at my folk's house. I mean, I agree that the couple is more important than the ring. =)

The Goodfellas said...

no no no, i wasn't saying that. a girl's gotta show off her ring. :-)

Anonymous said...

(i think this deserves a booyah, don´t you?)

Sofia said...

Congratulations, Kelli!!! That's so great! We're so happy for you both :D