Wednesday, December 14, 2005


After realizing I had lost my senior year yearbook in the fire (so sad - never a chance again to read the goofy things people wrote):

Tom says:
When you lose special things they are gone but the things you put in their place can mean just as much when done just right.
Kelli says:
i guess
Kelli says:
maybe i could see if there were any way possible i could get a replacement, then have people sign it at my 10-year
Tom says:
Good plan
Kelli says:
"kelli, i don't remember you, but i'm sorry about your hurricane, or fire or whatever. i hope this cheers you up. I can't believe you're not married yet. your friend, Class Mate"
Tom says:
There ya go :-)

Sounds like a plan to me.


Anonymous said...


The Goodfellas said...

soooooooooo funny ;-D