Monday, October 03, 2005

Well, that explains it.

There! I've done it - explained the reason why I have entitled this Blog "At Random." I haven't posted in 21 days. I knew that I would post randomly, so I just thought I'd come right out and say it.

So, I've got a confession to make. I was in the lunchroom this morning, wanting to get my coffee, but it was out. No problem - anyone can brew it and I have before. I opened up the drawer where they keep the coffee and noticed that somebody left a package half full and nicely folded in the drawer. I was immediately reminded of a blog post by a one Michael H.G. not too long ago entitled "Your Regular Old Pot of Coffee Just Got Better" in which he describes how he and a co-worker realized that the key to changing their work-place-coffee from mediocre to good simply meant adding two more scoops of grounds. I took the liberty of putting the normal amount in, then adding the rest of the other bag. The brew was very strong, but oh so good! Thanks Mike! ;-)

(I didn't stick around to see what any co-workers, thought... probably best.)

I'd like to tell you that it made me all jittery, etc. but it just isn't so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...and to think I was just posting to express my joy that my coffee would no longer leave me unfulfilled every morning, so long as I am able to make it!

I'm glad I could help. People need good coffee. Coffee deserves to be good coffee.