Monday, September 12, 2005

HB big K

Picture of me on the left. Why? Because it's my blog. ;-)
Picture of my sister Kari on the right. Why? BECAUSE IT'S HER 19th BIRTHDAY!!!



Anonymous said...

You cut Mom and Keith out of the picutre. hahaha Love you!

Anonymous said...

I still CANNOT believe Kari is 19. She will always be 8 to me, just like my sis, Renee, will always be 4 to me, etched into my mind as little girls! Weird, I'm turning into one of those people who says, "When I was your age..." Scary.

Kelli said...

Rach, I hear you on that. Renee is so 10 years old to me in my mind. :-)

I always pulled the "when I was your age" thing on my swimmers by accident... terrible.